In brief - this is what will be reviewed during proofreading if applicable:
Paragraphs and paginationSpelling and typographical errorsApplication of the relevant style guideMarked up with proof-correction symbols (if required)ConsistencyAccuracyIllustrationsChapter and/or section titlingRunning heads and headingsFonts, alignment and line length
| Colours and overall page designQueries clearly identified
For online content –Agreed page mark-up methodNavigation and page locationMultimedia verificationAlternative descriptions (alt tags)LinksAlternative versionsContent management system effects
To find the right proofreading service for your needs including pricing, simply get in touch.
For a more detailed description of proofreading activities, please see the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders (CIEP) website.
Proofreading Services from Brontë follow the Code of Practice set out by the CIEP.